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Great work! Just finishing a game is a huge feat and that is more than many ever do. Pat yourself on the back for that! Also the game looks fun. I personally cant play it as I boycott windows. I can give you props tho and tell you that you are doing great! Keep up the hard work you are going places in this world!!


thanks for the motivation

Play as a psychopathic surgeon descending into madness with each task, but you can't let your assistant catch you stealing organs! With super enjoyable mechanics and a tasteful blend of 2D and 3D elements, this game feels extremely original, and I hope you develop it further!

I play your game(and a couple others) and leave more in depth feedback in the video below. Also, you and your friends can go to my yt channels community page, and vote for your game to advance in my channels competition for best indie horror game of january. I'll be 3D printing a monster or scene from the game that wins to gift to the game dev. I've gotta say, I truly loved your game. 

elements and ideas that might improve your game:

- task list mechanic: I as a player WANT to accomplish the extra tasks so there should be a limitation that prevents me from achieving that goal. Like I need to time when I'm stealing extra lung tissue- if the other doctor walks over and the operation appears to be complete (the normal tasks not the evil ones) like all the white checkboxes have been filled, then the player misses getting to perform the red task. I need to time it so that im trying to get the final task and the hidden task done while the asssistant is looking away.

-Operation mechanics: sometime need to be a little more clear. there were some moments that I would try to cut the skin or another secret task and would struggle to find the correct point at which the bar would fill up all the way, though that did in a way make it more exciting as i would have to try multiple times to sneak my sample cuts. Sometimes I would struggle to be able to pick up the new organ that needed to be transplanted into the patient and im not sure if it was mechanics preventing me from picking it up or if it was just that the gray hold bar was difficult to see.

- task list completion sound: I think that the immersiveness could be increased if tasks when accomplished made a sound, like a doctor checking boxes on paper, but the secret ones when accomplished could be like blood splatter or pig sounds.

-Limited blood vials: limiting the amount of blood vials will increase the difficulty of completion- it might force a player to perform the operation normally because they're out of blood and if they attempt the evil stuff they're gonna kill the patient.

Varied surgeries: let me amputate someones leg, or stitch muscles back together. lets do brain surgery. lets remove someone's eyeball. lets operate on two patients at once and secretly switch their parts. More variety to the types of surgery adds a new depth. 

I apologize for the wall of text, I truly just have a lot to say about your game because I loved every second of it. 

thank you for the feedback
I'll be sure to tell the team about your ideas

hi L.M!

wanted to let you guys know that your game has advanced to the second round for my channels competition of best indie horror game in january. You and friends can vote for your game on my channels community page starting at 7pm est tonight, and voting is open until friday! Best of luck!

(1 edit)

hey Zagonite

there is a new version of the game called "Schwein Surgeon_1.2.rar"
so tell us if it's good if you decide to play

Great game!

thanks for playing